Welcome to Sec 1D 2005's class blog. Feel free to roam about and tag in the tagboard.
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Version 3 layout, featuring all of us :D. This is called "Flowers on the Precipice", and it was made by Sarah in Adobe Photoshop and this layout was coded in Notepad. The blog is hosted at and powered by Blogger. The pattern in this side bar is that of Squid Fingers and fonts from DaFont. Urm, in the topmost part of the sidebar is some weird stuff I (Sarah) came up with and typed randomly.
"When you're feeling low, think life just sucks. Remember. There are 34 other flowers on that precipice called life, making the same treacherous descent, feeling the same way as you. Just remember that. And remember too, that any of these 34 flowers will lend you a helping hand whenever you need one. Becuase, that's what friends are for."
Behind that are 35 butterflies and 37 names (I added in the teachers). The layout is specially dedicated to Char, who is migrating to Australia. We'll miss her dearly. T_T Char didn't go in the end. So the layout is dedicated to EVERYONE IN 1D, all 35 of us. Yup.
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
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December 2005
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